Who's Who
Jack Perry (Chairman), Cheif Execurive Officer – London Export Corporation
Stephen Perry (Honorary President), Chairman – London Export Corporation
Keith Bennett (Vice Chairman) Independent consultant
Oliver Barbour
Ben Pape, Chairman, PMP;
Peter Batey CMG OBE, Chairman & Co-founder - Vermilion Partners Ltd;
Jeremy Butler, Managing Director, One Wigwam Ltd;
Lance Browne CBE, Chairman, Travelex China & Director, Standard Chartered Bank (China) Ltd.;
Dr Johnny Hon, Chairman, Global Group International Holdings Limited;
Lord Heseltine
The Rt Hon the Lord Heseltine CH became a Honorary Patron of the 48 Group Club – The ‘Icebreakers’ in 2008, reflecting his years of building political and business relations with China as Deputy Prime Minister and through the company he founded, the Haymarket Media Group.
Lord Prescott
The Rt Hon Lord Prescott PC became an Honorary Patron of the 48 Group Club The ‘Icebreakers’ in 2009. During his ten years as Deputy Prime Minister, he visited China every year and was instrumental in the development of positive Sino-British relations.
Mr Peter Batey OBE, Chairman, Vermilion Partners Ltd
Mr Jaspal Bindra, Former Group Executive Director & CEO Asia, Standard Chartered Bank
Prof Stephen Blackmore CBE FRSE, former Regius Keeper, Royal Botanic Gardens-Edinburgh
The Rt Hon Tony Blair, former Prime Minister
Lord Michael Boyce KG GCB OBE DL, former Royal Navy, House of Lords
Prof Sir James Drummond Bone, former Master of Balliol, University of Oxford
Sir Martin Broughton, Deputy Chairman, International Airlines group
Sir Stephen Brown, Former Chief Executive, UK Trade & Investment
The Lord Browne of Madingley, former Partner, Riverstone Holdings LLC
Mr Peter Budd, Consultant and former Director, ARUP
The Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable MP, former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and President of the Board of Trade, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Sir Andrew Cahn KCMG, former Chief Executive, UK Trade & Investment
Mr Ben Chapman, former Chairman, All Party Parliamentary China Group
Mr Victor Chu, Chairman, First Eastern Investment Group
Lord Clement-Jones CBE, House of Lords
Lord Davidson of Glen Clova QC, Partner, Axiom Advocates
Sir Howard Davies, former Director, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Lady Linda W Davies, Founder KT Wong Foundation
The Lord Davies of Abersoch CBE, non-executive Vice Chairman, L1 Holdings
Sir Andrew Dilnot CBE, former Principal, St Hugh’s College
Sir Lloyd Dorfman CBE, Chairman, Travelex
Mr Nick Earlam, Chairman, Plexus Cotton Limited
Mr Bernie Ecclestone, former Chief Executive Officer, Formula One Management Ltd
Sir William Ehrman KCMG, Former British Ambassador to China
Sir Terry Farrell CBE, Principal, Farrels
Sir Douglas Flint CBE, former Group Chairman, HSBC Holding plc
Dame Clara Furse DBE, Former Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange Group
Sir Anthony Galsworthy KCMG, Former British Ambassador to China
Lord Edward Garnier Kt PC QC, House of Lords
Sir Patrick Gillam, Former Chairman, Standard Chartered plc and Asia House
Mr Tom Glocer, Former CEO, Thomson Reuters
Professor Sir Malcolm Grant, former Chairman, NHS England
Allan Cook, former Chairman, WS Atkins plc
Bingjun Si, former CCCUK Chairman
The Rt. Hon Lord Michael Bates, House of Lords
The Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, Former Minister of State for Trade and Investment,
Lord Gerry Grimstone, former Chairman, Standard Life Plc
Mr Tony Hayward, Chairman, Genel Energy
Sir Mark Hendrick MP, Labour & Co-operative Member, Parliament
Sir Michael Hintze, Founder & Group Chief Executive and Chief investment Officer, CQS (UK) LLP
Prof Christopher Howe MBE FBA, SOAS University of London
Prof Christopher Rudd, former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Nottingham and Provost of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China
The Lord Howell of Guildford, House of Lords
Mr Nick Hurd MP, House of Commons
Sir Henry Keswick, Chairman, Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd
Ms Pamela Kirby Johnson OBE, Director General, The Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA)
Lt Gen Sir Graeme Lamb KBE CMG DSO, Former Director UK Special Forces and Co-ordinator of the China UK Sanya Intiative, British Army
Mr Martin Lamb, Former Chief Executive Officer, IMI Plc
Mr Sonny Leong CBE, Chairman, Chinese for Labour
Sir David Lewis, Former Lord Mayor of London
Sir David KP Li, Chairman & Chief Executive, The Bank of East Asia Ltd
The Rt Hon Sir David Lidington, former Minister of State responsible for European issues and NATO, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Mr Liqun Jin, President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Mr Ken Livingstone, Former Mayor of London
Mr Vincent HS Lo, Chairman, Shui On Holdings Ltd
Mrs Anna Lo MBE, former MLA, Northern Ireland Assembly
Mr Stuart Logan, Chief Executive, Federation of Oil Seeds and Fats Association
Mr Neil Macgregor OM AO FSA, former Director, British Museum
The Rt Hon The Lord Mandelson PC, House of Lords
Earl of March and Kinrara, Goodwood Estate
Mr Michael Mates, Former MP for East Hampshire Petersfield
Mr Kevin McCabe, former Chairman, Sheffield United Football Club
Dr Judith McClure CBE, Chairman, The Scotland-China Education Network
The Rt Hon The Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale PC, Former First Minister, The Scottish Parliament
The Rt Hon The Lord McNally of Blackpool, House of Lords
Ms Mee Ling Ng OBE, former Chair, Chinese for Labour
Prof Peter Nolan CBE, Director of Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge
Lord Jim O’Neill, former Chairman, Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Sir John Peace, former Chairman, Standard Chartered Bank
Mr Andre Pienaar, Founder, C5 Capital
Dr Dickson Poon CBE, Chairman, Harvey Nichols & Co Ltd
The Lord Powell of Bayswater KCMG, Former President, China-Britain Business Council
Mr Jonathan Powell, Former Managing Director, Morgan Stanley
Sir William Purves CBE DSO, Former Chairman, HSBC Holdings
Prof Dame Jessica Rawson DBE FBA, Professor of Chinese Art and Archaeology, Merton College
Mrs Elizabeth Reid, Former Chief Executive, Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
Mr Richard Reid, former London Chairman, KPMG
Ms Angela Rippon, Jounalist & TV Presenter
Sir John Rose, Chairman, Holdingham group
The Lord Sainsbury of Turville, Former Minister of Science & Innovation, House of Lords
Marquess of Salisbury, House of Lords
The Rt Hon First Minister Alex Salmond, former First Minister of Scotland
Mr Peter Sands, former Group CEO, Standard Chartered Bank
The Lord Sassoon KT CA ICAEW, President, China-Britain Business Council
Mr Paul Skinner, former Chairman, UK Infrastructure at The Treasury
Prof Sir Adrian Smith FRS, former Vice-Chancellor, University of London
Sir Martin Sorrell, former Group Chief Executive, WPP 2005 Limited
Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, former Shadow Deputy Prime Minister, House of Commons
Prof Dame Joan K Stringer DBE CBE, former Principal & Vice Chancellor, Napier University
Sir John Stuttard, former Vice Chairman of UK Advisory Board, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Mr Malcolm Sweeting, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP
The Lord David Triesman, Director, Salamanca Group
Mr Mark Tucker, former Chief Executive and President, AIA Group Ltd
Mr Paul Walsh, former Chief Executive Officer, Diageo
Mr Willie Walsh, Chief Executive, International Airlines Group
Sir Malcolm Williamson, Retired Chairman, Clydesdale Bank PLC
Sir Sebastian Wood KCMG, former Ambassador to China
The Rt Hon The Lord Woolf of Barnes, House of Lords
Ms Elizabeth Wright, Chair of Advisory Board China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham
Sir David Wright GCMG LVO, former Vice Chairman, Barclays Capital
Prof Fuija Yang, former Chancellor, University of Nottingham Ningbo
Lady Pamela Youde OBE, Vice President, The Great Britain-China Centre
Mr Victor Zhang, Vice President, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd
Professor David Phoenix OBE, Vice Chancellor of London South Bank University and CEO of LSBU Group
These are individuals who have contributed to Sino-British relations in many fields.
Mr William Thomas MBE, Retired Charity Director
Mr Nick Baird, former CEO, UKTI
Mr Angus Barclay, former General Manager, Cathay Pacific in Europe
Mr Jerry Bayfield, former Commercial Director, British Water
Mr Stephen Bennett, former Shows Director, Royal Horticultural Society
Prof Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya CBE, former Director, Warwick Manufacturing Group
Ms Sue Bishop, former Deputy Director, RDA Transition & Closure, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Lady Katy (Tse) Blair, Co-Founder, Islington Chinese Association
Lord Alec Broers, former Chairman, The Science and Technology Committee, House of Lords
Mr Russell Brown, Managing Partner, LehmanBrown International Accountants
Prof Peter Buckley OBE, Director, Centre for International Business, University of Leeds
Mr Mark Carr, Group Chief Executive, British Sugar
Mr Graham Cartledge CBE, Chairman, Benoy
Cllr Thomas Chan DL, former Mayor, London Borough of Redbridge
Mr Eddie Chan former, Director, Chinese National Healthy Living Centre
Cllr Linda Chung, Vice Chair, Chinese Liberal Democrats
Dr Jenny Clegg former, Course Leader in Asia Pacific Studies, Department of Languages and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire
The Rt Hon the Lord Brian Cotter, House of Lords
Prof Christopher Cullen, Emeritus Director, Needham Research Institute
Mr Brian Davidson, former Consul General, British Consulate General Shanghai
Sir Martin Davidson, former Chief Executive, British Council
Mr Hugh Davies CMG, Senior Partner, Orient Asian Partners
Prof Hugo de Burgh, Director, China Media Centre, University of Westminster
Mr Nirj Deva former MEP and Vice Chairman, European Parliament’s Development Committee
Ms Carma Elliot CMG OBE, former Director, British Council China
Ms Merlene Emerson, co-Chair, Chinese Liberal Democrats
Mr Winston Fang, General Manager, Bank of China (UK) Ltd
Mr Dair Farrar-Hockley MC, Former Director General, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Mr John Fraser, former Chairman & CEO, UBS Global Asset Management
Mr Martin Gordon OBE, Trustee, Barry & Martin’s Trust
Mr Tony Hall, former Chief Executive, Royal Opera House
Ms Kathy Hall, CEO, London Jing Kun Opera Association
The Rt Hon Sir Jeremy Hanley KCMG
Mr Ken Hom OBE, BBC TV Presenter, Author and Chef, Pacific Oriental Restaurant and Bar
Mr Charles Innes-Ker Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford, CEO, Capstar Chauffeurs Limited
Dr George Lee, Non-Executive Director, Wailian Group from Conservative PPC
Ms Katie Lee OBE, former UKTI, British Embassy, Beijing
Mr Kam Lee, Partner, Kam Lee & Associates
Mr Roy Leighton, former Chairman, Financial Services Skills Council
Mr Stephen Lillie, former Director, Asia Pacific, FCO
Mr Michael Liu, Senior Business Consultant, Huawei Technologies (UK) Co Ltd
Ms Beth McKillop, Victoria & Albert Museum
Prof David McMullen, Emeritus Prof of Chinese, East Asian studies, University of Cambridge
Mr Alastair Morgan, former Consul General, British Consulate General Guangzhou
Mr Peter Nightingale, former Chief Executive, China-Britain Business Council
Mr Ou Yan, Executive Vice President, China Telecom Global Ltd
Mr Barry Owen OBE FRICS HFLJMU, Chairman, Mason Owen
Sir Alan Parker, Chairman, Brunswick Group LLP
Mr Stephen Phillips, former Chief Executive, China-Britain Business Council
Ms Jane Portal, Matsutaro Shoriki Chair, Department of Asia, Oceania and Africa, Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Prof Dr Robin Porter, Visiting Professor, University of Bristol
Ms Christina Potter, former Principal, Dundee College
Prof Anthony Redmond OBE, Professor, University of Manchester, Humanitarian & Conflict Response Institute
Prof Don Rimmington, Emeritus Professor of East Asian Studies, University of Leeds
Mr John Ross, Senior Fellow, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University, China
Ms Luise Schafer, Senior Advisor and Non Executive Director, CRCC Asia Ltd
Cllr Stephen Shing, Councillor for Willingdon, Polegate and East Dean
Mr Jim Sluszny, Former Deputy Chairman, London Export Corporation Ltd
Mr Norman Smith, Consultant, Instron Limited
Sir Brian Smith CBE, Former Chairman, Cable & Wireless Plc
Dr Kim Tan, Chairman, Springhill Management Ltd
Mr CT Tang, Chairman, London Chinatown Chinese Association
Mr Clive Tucker
Mr Stephen Twigg, former Director, Foreign Policy Centre
Director, Wingman Ltd
Mr Adam Williams OBE, Jardine Matheson (China) Ltd
Lady Patricia Wilson, former Committee Member, The Great Britain-China Centre
Dr Frances Wood, Former Head of Chinese Section, The British Library
Mr Rod Wye, Associate Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House
Mr Shicheng Yang, former Chairman, COSCO(UK)
Mr Alan Yau OBE, Founder, Hakkasan Ltd
Mr Wing Yip OBE, Chairman, W Wing Yip plc
Mr David Yip, Actor, Court End Cottage
Mr Victor Zhang, Director, Hua wei
Mr Jimmy Zhang, President, UK Chinese Business Association
Dr. Lisa Cameron MP, Member of Parliament for East Kilbride Strathaven and Lesmahagow
Reginald Hunt, Former Deputy Executive Officer, 48 Group
Madam Fu Ying, former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PR China, and former Chinese Ambassador to the UK
Jiang Enzhu, former Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee- National People’s Congress, PR China and former Chinese Ambassador to the UK
Li Yuanchao, former Vice President of the People's Republic of China
Prof Li Zhaoxing, former Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China
Liu Jinsheng, former Vice Chairman- CCPIT, PR China
Liu Mingkang, former Chairman- China Banking Regulatory Commission
Ma Yuzhen, former Chinese Ambassador to the UK
Ma Zhengang, former Chinese Ambassador to the UK
Shi Guangsheng, former Chairman, China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment
Sun Zhenyu, former Chinese Ambassador to the WTO
Wan Jifei, former Chairman, CCPIT, PR China
Yu Xiaosong, former Chairman, CCPIT, PR China
Zha Peixin, former Chinese Ambassador to the UK