The 48 Group Club held its AGM on 27 March. Kindly hosted by Linklaters, the AGM was followed by the Young Icebreaker Lecture delivered by Minister Counsellor Zhou Xiaoming and Dr Gerry Murphy, Senior Managing Director of Corporate Private Equity and Chairman of the Blackstone Group International Partners LLP. Minister Zhou spoke on the reform and development plan from the 2014 NPC, whilst Gerry Murphy spoke on the subject of Private Equity, both in and with China. The lecture was chaired by Dr Gerard Lyons, Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. The speeches were very well received by a full house. The event was heavily oversubscribed with a waiting list of 100 names. The post lecture reception gave everyone the chance to discuss the topics in a more relaxed and informal atmosphere.
“Recent Meetings of the National People’s Congress and the Implications for China/UK Trade and Economic Cooperation”
Minister Counsellor Zhou Xiaoming is the key Embassy official responsible for developing trade and investment dialogue with the UK and is the host for many visiting Chinese delegations that wish to engage with development of the China-UK economic relationship. He is considerably experienced and a fluent English speaker.
” China Trade and the Unfolding Prospects for Private Equity Inside China and With China Globally”
Gerry Murphy is Senior Managing Director of Corporate Private Equity, and Chairman of the Blackstone Group International Partners LLP He serves as director of Merlin Entertainments, United Biscuits and Jack Wolfskin and is a Non-Executive Director of British American Tobacco.